
Tell your friends about Share Lunch Fight Hunger and help spread awareness about how you and City Harvest are helping to feed New York City's children and their families during this difficult time. We encourage you to help spread the word by sharing the sample posts below!

Make sure to tag City Harvest and use our organizational hashtag #WeAreCityHarvest to spread the word. Follow City Harvest on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for updates on our work helping to feed New York City. 

Tip: use to shorten your team page URL.



Make sure to add a link to your fundraising page in your Instagram bio!

  • 1 out of every 4 NYC kids doesn’t always know where their next meal will come from. Today, I donated $20 to @CityHarvestNYC and helped feed 46 children. Join me! Visit the link in my bio to donate to my Share Lunch Fight Hunger team to help feed kids & their families right here in NYC. #WeAreCityHarvest
  • You can turn one lunch into a bunch by donating to my Share Lunch Fight Hunger team today! Just $20 helps @CityHarvestNYC feed 46 kids in New York City. Visit the link in my bio to donate to my team! #WeAreCityHarvest
  • With more children and families struggling facing hunger right now, @CompanyName is making a difference this May with @CityHarvestNYC’s annual Share Lunch Fight Hunger campaign. Our office will be donating the money we normally spend on lunch to help feed NYC children and their families. Visit the link in my bio to donate to our team! #WeAreCityHarvest


City Harvest Facebook@CityHarvestNYC 

  • 1 out of every 4 NYC kids doesn’t always know where their next meal will come from. Today, I donated $20 to @CityHarvestNYC and helped feed 46 children. Donate to my Share Lunch Fight Hunger team to help feed kids & their families right here in NYC. [insert link to team page] #WeAreCityHarvest
  • You can turn one lunch into a bunch by donating to my Share Lunch Fight Hunger team today! Just $20 helps @CityHarvestNYC feed 46 kids in New York City. Please donate to my team: #WeAreCityHarvest [insert link to team page]
  • With more children and families facing hunger right now, @CompanyName is making a difference this May with @CityHarvestNYC’s annual Share Lunch Fight Hunger campaign. Our office will be donating the money we normally spend on lunch to help feed NYC children and their families. Join us: [insert link to team page] #WeAreCityHarvest



  • 1 out of every 4 NYC kids doesn’t always know where their next meal will come from. With just $20, @CityHarvest can help feed 46 children. Visit my Share Lunch Fight Hunger fundraising page and help feed NYC families. #WeAreCityHarvest [insert link to team page]
  • You can turn one lunch into a bunch by donating to my Share Lunch Fight Hunger team today! Just $20 helps @CityHarvest feed 46 kids in NYC. Please donate to my team: #WeAreCityHarvest[insert link to team page]
  • .@CompanyName is making a difference with @CityHarvest's annual Share Lunch Fight Hunger campaign. Our office will be donating the money we normally spend on lunch to help feed NYC children and their families. Join us: [insert link to team page] #WeAreCityHarvest


LinkedinIconCHGreen  @City Harvest

  • @CompanyName is proud to be one of the hundreds of companies in New York City participating in @City Harvest’s Share Lunch Fight Hunger campaign! With more children and families facing hunger right now, you can join us and make a difference. Donate through our company’s fundraiser today and help us feed thousands of children and their families throughout the five boroughs. #WeAreCityHarvest [insert link to team page]

Social Tiles 

Click on each image to download.

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